Community Hub
We have a centrally located Community Hub where our team is available to assist you and your family with various challenges in life, from emergency relief and food parcels to case management and employment support.
We believe in a society where all individuals have the opportunity to participate and enhance their quality of life.
For more information on any of the below services please call us on 02 9727 4333 during office hours or email our reception on cfs@cfs.asn.au.
We are located at 25 Barbara Street, Fairfield NSW 2165 and operate Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm.
Community Hub Services
Some of the supports we offer include:
Case management
Employment Support
Programs to develop skills and social networks
Assistance navigating complex systems such as Centrelink and MyGov
Assistance with form filling
Assistance with referrals and accessing other services
Vocational training
Justice of the peace service
Emergency relief
Food parcels
Financial and gambling support
Legal support
Domestic and family violence support
Parenting support
Work and Development Orders

For Case Management Support referrals from other services please complete the CFS Referral Form and email it to referrals@cfs.asn.au.

Community First Step are a very good service for the community and give you good information.
Thank you for your help.

When we contacted Community First Step for help they were good to us and acted quickly to give us the support we needed. Due to our visa status we didn’t qualify for any government support, they stepped in and supported us.

Our case officer was very kind and helpful, and she tried her very best to help us as much as she could. It was such a relief to get some assistance through the Emergency Relief Program.